Codeless Test Automation and Its Advantages

What is codeless testing? The critical importance of software quality…

GIT Branch Strategies in Test Processes

In this article, I will talk about the branch strategy in testing processes.…

Appium - Mobile Farm Integration

What is Appium? Appium is an open source testing tool used in test automation…

Selenium 4.0: What is New and Better?

Selenium 4.0: What is New and Better? Today I will tell you what is new and…

Artificial Intelligence and Its Place in the Testing Field

The development of software testing, which aims to increase the quality by…

Sourcing Approach for Mobile Testing

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. —Leo Tolstoy   If we…

The Importance and Future of the Testing Career in the SDLC

All the stages that the software product goes through, both during production…

Dark Side of the Software

Don’t criticize what I did! As in all areas of life, if there is one…

First Impressions of a Test Engineer in an Agile Team

Agile project management is a form of project management that is open to…

Manual Test in a Digital World

Now people have many technologies at their disposal. Mobile applications,…